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SNHD AEMT Protocols Exam Questions and Answers

SNHD AEMT Protocols Exam Questions and Answers

The Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) protocols exam assesses the knowledge and skills necessary to operate under SNHD's emergency protocols for AEMTs. The exam typically covers clinical procedures, pharmacology, emergency response techniques, and the legal and ethical responsibilities of an AEMT.

While I can't provide specific exam questions and answers, I can offer a general idea of the types of questions you might encounter based on standard AEMT protocols and emergency medical services practices. Here are some sample questions that could be similar in nature to those on the SNHD AEMT Protocols Exam, along with answers to guide your preparation:

Sample Questions and Answers

What are the initial steps an AEMT should take upon arriving at the scene of a motor vehicle accident?

Answer: Upon arrival, the AEMT should ensure the scene is safe to enter, use standard precautions for personal safety, assess the situation for additional risks, and then begin triaging patients. Immediate care should prioritize airway management, bleeding control, and stabilization of the spine if necessary.

How should an AEMT manage a patient experiencing an asthma attack who is not responding to initial albuterol treatment?

Answer: If a patient's asthma symptoms do not improve after initial albuterol treatment, the AEMT should reassess the patient’s airway, breathing, and circulation, provide supplemental oxygen, and prepare for possible advanced airway management. They should also contact medical control for advice and possibly administer additional medications as directed.

Describe the protocol for administering epinephrine in a case of severe anaphylaxis.

Answer: The AEMT should quickly assess the patient for signs of anaphylaxis such as hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, or decreased blood pressure. If anaphylaxis is suspected, administer epinephrine intramuscularly into the mid-outer thigh using an auto-injector or syringe. Monitor the patient closely and prepare for a second dose if symptoms do not improve or worsen.

What are the indications for initiating CPR in a patient?

Answer: CPR should be initiated when a patient is unresponsive, not breathing or only gasping, and has no pulse. The AEMT should ensure that the scene is safe, quickly assess the patient’s responsiveness and vital signs, and then begin chest compressions and rescue breathing at the appropriate ratio.

Explain the considerations and steps involved in managing a patient with suspected spinal injury.

Answer: When managing a patient with a suspected spinal injury, maintain manual stabilization of the spine until a cervical collar can be placed. The patient should be immobilized on a backboard with appropriate straps and head blocks if necessary. Avoid unnecessary movement and transport the patient to a trauma center for further evaluation and care.

Preparation Tips

Review SNHD Protocols: Study the specific protocols and guidelines provided by the Southern Nevada Health District to ensure you understand local standards and procedures.

Practical Skills Practice: Regularly practice skills like CPR, airway management, and medication administration under simulated conditions to build confidence and proficiency.

Continuing Education: Participate in continuing education courses and workshops that focus on areas covered in the AEMT scope of practice.

Study Groups: Join study groups with peers to discuss complex scenarios and protocol nuances.

These preparation strategies and sample questions should help guide your study efforts as you prepare for the SNHD AEMT Protocols Exam. Be sure to stay updated with any changes or updates in protocols directly from SNHD or your training program.

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